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Who Are

Nick and Emrie are a husband and wife team hailing from the Colorado Rockies. Nick's an engineer and a game designer, and Emrie is a serial creative with a product development background who discovered she has some truly astounding mystical abilities four years ago. 























The people behind Shady Grove Creative

We started a podcast together to help listeners and guest heal together, but unfortunately that project just took and took, and never gave back. So we decided to change directions and try to achieve our goal with the podcast a different way. This led to us focusing on our creative projects and starting a business together... So, here we are! This is our proverbial creative lovechild where we'll provide products to entertain, help with healing, and give hope to our soul family scattered across the globe. 


If you've found us via a podcast interview or some other ghost of Eir it Out and want access to the podcast, please reach out here and Emrie will provide you with links (for free). We're no longer making the podcast readily accessible to the world, because of some very low-vibration people who were using it for malicious reasons rather than using it to learn from others and heal themselves. What a lesson in discernment!


Right now our focus is on books and oracle decks, but Nick has a video game currently in development, and Emrie is working on an animated series. Both are much longer term projects, but subscribe below if you'd like updates on our progress.   

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